Cryptic Crosswords
We have recently added Cryptic Crosswords to the selection of crosswords that we offer.
To create a good cryptic crossword takes an experienced crossword setter some considerable hours to craft. Our compiler has many years experience in and around cryptic crosswords and solving even the toughest cryptic crosswords there are out there.
If you are interested in purchasing cryptic crosswords for your publication, please in the first instance Send us your requirements.
Cryptic crosswords contain many different types of clues, which may include:
- Anagrams: full or partial
- Answer hidden in the clue
- Reversed words; alternate letter answers and so on
- Acronyms for professions, nations, states and so on
- Occasional 'straight' clues
Contact Us about purchasing cryptic crossword puzzles >>
If you're interesting in featuring a cryptic crossword in your publication, but aren't sure what they are or how they work, you might find this explanatory video that walks through the solve of a cryptic crossword useful:
Alternatively, take a look at some other puzzles that Clarity Media can supply you with:
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