Press Ready Puzzle Spreads
If you want to outsource the preparation of your puzzle page(s), then Clarity Media's print ready puzzle service may be of interest to you.We can create ready made puzzle layouts sized to your exact requirements. Whether you want just one puzzle or several pages worth, we can work to your font / size / style requirements, and provide layouts in black and white or colour as required.
If you run a daily / weekly newspaper puzzle page and want to include solutions from previous issues, this is also no problem: we can create the puzzle layouts so that each page includes the answers to the previous puzzle set.
We supply in print ready PDF format for your magazine or newspaper designer to simply drag and drop into your page template, so no further formatting effort is required with the print ready puzzle spread service from Clarity Media. We can create content suitable for children, too, just see the sample Kids Corner page below.
We can supply in other formats if required; we can also follow your naming convention with your files, so if you need each puzzle spread to contain the precise date that you will be using that spread so that files are easy to track and include without error, we can name according to your requirements too.
Our puzzles regularly feature in books, magazines, and newspapers - if you are interested in receiving a quote for our press ready puzzle spreads service then please contact us with your requirements.