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Chess Puzzles

chess puzzle 1 Chess is a game that needs no introduction: it has fascinated and been enjoyed by many people over the centuries. Any game that has lasted so long and still thrives in the modern day must have enduring appeal, which makes it an ideal game to base puzzles around.

However to get truly good at the full game of chess requires a large amount of time and dedication. But that does not stop chess puzzles being enjoyable and accessible to anyone who knows the basic rules: for the chess puzzles we create you simply need to know how the pieces on the board are able to move and the concept of attacking a certain square and checking; you won't need any knowledge of openings or endgames or know your fianchetto from your Sicilian defence.

There are a large variety of different chess puzzles that can be created ranging in difficulty and time taken to solve. The puzzle to the right is a hidden identity chess puzzle. In this puzzle the letters A - E represent one each of a knight, king, queen, rook and bishop. The aim is simply to work out which is which, based on the fact that the number of pieces that are attacking two squares on the board are given (the numbers '3' and '1' in this example show that 3 pieces are attacking the square marked 3, and 1 attacking the square marked 1). The aim of this puzzle then is to identity which piece is which.

Other chess puzzle types you can buy or purchase for publication require the player to simply count, often with a time limit, how many squares are attacked in a particular board set up. For instance in the grid below right can you count how many squares are not attacked in 60 seconds? Another popular chess type puzzle has certain squares marked on the board and the player must find a square that meets a particular condition: for instance one from which a knight can attack three of the coloured squares on the board.

chess puzzle 2 Still other chess puzzle types will tell you how many times certain squares on the board are attacked but this time ask you where you must place a specified set of pieces on the board in order to make that configuration of the board true.

Another chess puzzle has a board set up and asks you how you could achieve a certain end in the shortest number of possible moves: for instance how to achieve checkmate in one move. Again these puzzles can be very simple or trickier.

Chess puzzles make a great addition to any magazine or newspaper so if you are looking for some intriguing content for your puzzle page and wish to buy chess puzzles, then please do let us know.

If you interested in purchasing chess puzzles, then please do Contact Us to discuss your requirements >>

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