Mother's Day Puzzles
Mother's Day is fast approaching at the time of writing - being on Sunday 30th March 2014.Of course, most of us will buy our mother a card, and perhaps some flowers and chocolates as a sign of our appreciation for all that they do for us.
But perhaps you're looking for something a little bit, well, different this year - a novel Mother's Day gift? If so, then perhaps you would be interested in our Mother's Day Book of Puzzles!
This delightful gift contains 100 puzzles, including some themed wordsearches. If your Mum is a puzzle lover or just enjoys the occasional puzzle, then why not try something a little different this year and give this book as a gift.
You can find more details of what's inside and purchase through the Amazon website via the link below:
Mother's Day Puzzle Book
Remember if you have any ideas for puzzle gifts that you'd like to see we'd love to hear from you, so please do just Contact us!
Date written: 11 Mar 2014
Category: gifts | Keywords: mother's day | puzzle gift
Puzzle Videos: Learn to Solve
How to solve a Codeword Puzzle
Codewords are a lovely word puzzle that will require some logic combined with a good knowledge of the English language and vocabularly. This video is a walkthrough of how to solve a typical codeword puzzle with three clues, and you can try the puzzle before watching if you like...
Never tried a codeword but would like to try one? Have a go at the puzzle featured in this video: Play a Codeword Puzzle Online
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