Top To Bottom Puzzles
Top To Bottom is a fun and different word puzzle, where you must move from the word at the top to the word at the bottom - hence the name top to bottom.On each line of the puzzle, you are given some letters. You must place a word in the gaps of each line in order to create a new word. For instance, if you had 'st'???'er' then for instance you could insert the word 'art' to make the longer word starter. Both the letters you insert and the final filled line must be proper words.
Additionally, certain letters in the puzzle are shaded. There will be a clue with each puzzle, and if you get the words correct then reading down the shaded cells at the end will give an answer to another clue - for instance if the clue is animal then reading down the grey cells at the end of completing the top to bottom word puzzle you may get the word 'squirrel' for instance.
These work best in a collection of mixed puzzles, so if you are looking for a range of different word puzzles and want some a little different to the usual favourites such as wordsearch and crosswords, then do consider including some top to bottom puzzles into the mix! If you are interested in any top to bottom word puzzles, then please do contact us with your requirements.