Tue, 11 Feb 2025

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Sudoku World of Puzzles Blogs

Anniversary Sudoku Gift Books
Welcome to the latest addition in our range of gift related puzzle books - the range of anniversary Sudoku puzzle books. These cover a wide range of anniversaries, including all anniversaries from 1 - 10 years, and then the significant anniversaries...
Added: 18 Sep 2013

Anti-Knight Sudoku: Rules and Puzzle Book
Anti-knight sudoku is an enjoyable variant of a standard sudoku puzzle. The rules are as follows: You must place 1-9 once in each row, column and 3x3 box of the grid, as with standard sudoku. However, there is also one new rule. The new rule is...
Added: 30 Apr 2020

Custom Sudoku
Customised Sudoku puzzles are those that have an element of theming to them; whether this be a letter associated with a newspaper forming an additional region in them or some other element. The benefit of a customised or personalised Sudoku puzzle is...
Added: 04 Jun 2013

Free Consecutive Sudoku
Happy New Year! We hope that all our visitors had a great Christmas and a good New Year. As 2011 starts, here is a free consecutive sudoku puzzle for you to print (including the solution in case you get stuck or want to verify your solution). To...
Added: 04 Jan 2011

Free Sudoku Plus Puzzle
Sudoku Plus is a variant of sudoku that you might not have seen before. The puzzle grid itself is the same as usual: a 9x9 grid that you must place 1 - 9 in once per region (row, column and 3x3 box). However there are far fewer givens in the puzzle...
Added: 24 Mar 2011

How To Create Symmetrical Sudoku Puzzles
Two of the most popular puzzles in the world have something in common: and that commonality is symmetry. We're talking about the great staple of the word puzzle world: the crossword, and the logic puzzle that has taken its place alongside the...
Added: 13 Aug 2015

How to Fill a Sudoku Grid
How do you actually go about filling a sudoku puzzle grid? This is a question we get asked from time to time, either by budding puzzle writers, those wanting to create a one-off puzzle, or, no doubt in some cases, those who have been tasked with creating...
Added: 30 May 2020

iDoku Solving Tips
iDoku is a variant of ordinary sudoku that appears in the 'i' newspaper. Rules The aim of iDoku is to fill each row, column and 3x3 box in the puzzle such that 1-9 appear once only in each of them. In addition, there is a pink/red letter 'i'...
Added: 19 Nov 2010

Sandwich Sudoku Puzzles
The below information tells you the rules of sandwich sudoku, and how to play it. You can also: - play a sandwich sudoku online, and - play a puzzle a day via our new puzzle site. Of the many sudoku variants that exist, sandwich sudoku is one of...
Added: 18 May 2019

Sudoku and Symmetry
Most sudoku puzzles that you see - although not all - contain symmetry. Sepcifically, they tend to contain rotational symmetry such that if the puzzle is rotated 180 degrees it looks the same. This is visually quite pleasing, and infact some...
Added: 01 Dec 2010

Sudoku Variants: How Many Are There?
It is probably impossible to come up with a definitive list of sudoku variants because the number of them is truly mind-boggling. And there are new types being created all the time. There is also some ambiguity about what counts as a sudoku variant: for...
Added: 21 Dec 2022

Sudoku: Maths Puzzle or Logic Puzzle?
A question that comes up with some frequency is whether sudoku is a maths puzzle or a logic puzzle, and depending where you look, you can see it referenced as falling in both these genres. Infact, sudoku is purely a logic puzzle. The reason for...
Added: 26 Nov 2010

The i Book of Sudoku
The i Book of Sudoku Puzzles is out now, available to buy from Amazon, featuring standard Sudoku puzzles and also idoku puzzles! The book contains a total of 200 puzzles. The Sudoku puzzles are split into three different levels of difficulty, these...
Added: 03 Aug 2017

Why is sudoku so popular?
The word phenomenon is arguably over-used, but it certainly does apply when talking about sudoku. For many years, the puzzle world was dominated by word puzzles such as the crossword and word search puzzle. Then suddenly in 2004 and early 2005,...
Added: 16 Nov 2010

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