What strategy tips will help me solve Jigsaw Sudoku puzzles?
You can use the strategies that you use with sudoku.
The tricky bit is working out how to apply them to the jigsaw sudoku and whilst getting used to the puzzle this leads many people to miss fairly obvious eliminations and make the puzzle harder for themselves to solve.
The trick is to look at the shape of the jigsaw regions and see how they can eliminate values from other cells.
For instance if a region is L shaped, then as soon as you place values from the base of the L, then that means they can't appear in the long body of the L which is in another region, and therefore in that region you will be only left with a few potential cells for that number to go, bearing in mind that it must be placed once in that region too.
The key therefore is definitely to look at the shape of the regions and see how they can be used to help you make quick eliminations, and look particularly at regions that have their jigsaw shape overlapping with a large number of cells from another region - for the reason given above this can help acccelerate the solving process.
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