Daily Fact
There is something fascinating about facts. And we've sourced a large range of interesting facts ready to share with your audience.If you have some space on a page that you need to fill, then why not take our short Daily Fact column? This contains a new fact each and every day, which is sure to be of interest to your readers.
Whether your readers are interested in facts about the composition of their body in terms of the elements that make it up, fascinating trivia about a range of animals, or interesting facts about languages and alphabets, we have a huge range of diverse subjects covered in our daily fact column.
These can be published under the "did you know?" heading or perhaps simply "fascinating fact" or "fact of the day"; the choice really is up to you.
The facts can be provided in the format that is most of use to you, whether that is a spreadsheet containing the date and the fact for that day or any other format, we will ensure we send through the facts in the most useful format for your magazine or newspaper spread.
For more information on our daily fact filler feature, please Contact Us.